Marathon Must-Knows: Common Challenges and How to Tackle Them
When planning to run a marathon there are things to think about before, during and after the race. Here are some tips.
Preparation and Recovery Tips Irish Life Dublin Marathon
When planning to run a marathon there are things to think about before, during and after the race. Here are some tips.
What is Tendinopathy and How is it Treated?
Tendinopathy is an umbrella term used to describe a range of chronic tendon injuries such as tendinitis, tendinosis and tenosynovitis. In recent years, tendon injuries have started to be called tendinopathy.
Iliopsoas strain (Hip Flexor) Causes and Symptoms
The two main muscles in this group are iliopsoas and rectus femoris. The hip flexor muscles are connected from the pelvis, lower back and groin area to the femur bone.
Online Classes: Pilates & Stronger For Longer
We are pleased to announce that we have live online classes available now in the clinic. These classes are led by Aileen and Olive, see the time table here.
Marathon Training: How to prepare for your first marathon or half marathon
This is the second instalment in our four part series on half marathon and marathon training. The Rock’n’Roll half marathon and KBC Dublin marathon are growing closer and closer.
How to Avoid Common Injuries During a Marathon
Here are some of the common injuries and complaints that we often see in the clinic. Especially, leading up to the marathon; Calf muscle strain or overuse, Gluteal tendinopathy, Lower back pain, Achilles tendon pain & Shin splints.
Starting the New Year Right
How can you make a life-long change this year rather than falling off the fitness wagon mid-February. We here at Ballsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic would like to help.