Marathon Must-Knows: Common Challenges and How to Tackle Them
When planning to run a marathon there are things to think about before, during and after the race. Here are some tips.

Preparation and Recovery Tips Irish Life Dublin Marathon
When planning to run a marathon there are things to think about before, during and after the race. Here are some tips.

What is Tendinopathy and How is it Treated?
Tendinopathy is an umbrella term used to describe a range of chronic tendon injuries such as tendinitis, tendinosis and tenosynovitis. In recent years, tendon injuries have started to be called tendinopathy.

Common physical problems from standing at work all day
As with any other posture or position, extended periods of standing can result in aches, pains and the body feeling tired. Standing is usually worse when you have to stand in the one spot or on a hard surface.

Shin Splints Prevention
Shin splints are typically an encompassing term for pain below the knee, on the front or side of the shin bone, most commonly seen in runners, dancers and tennis players.

Quad Strain Recovery
The quad is the muscle located at the front of the thigh and comprises of four separate muscles to make up the quadriceps unit. This includes vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis and rectus femoris.

Muscle Contusion: Benefits of Physiotherapy Treatment
A muscle contusion results from a bruise of the muscle following a direct blow or repeated blows to a part of the body. This resulting in crushing of the muscle fibres underneath.

When you are pregnant, is exercise okay?
It is good idea to keep active during your pregnancy. There are many physical and psychological health benefits to remaining active while you are pregnant.