Women’s Health This International Women’s Day
Saturday 8th March we celebrate International Women’s day. This year’s theme is “Accelerate Action” for gender equality. Accelerate Action is a worldwide call to acknowledge strategies, resources, and activity that positively impact women's advancement, and to support and elevate their implementation.

Get Your Training Back On Track This New Year
Christmas and New Years are now over and many of our training routines may have fallen by the way-side. Nonetheless, January is a great time to get back on track and re-set your exercise goals.

Marathon Must-Knows: Common Challenges and How to Tackle Them
When planning to run a marathon there are things to think about before, during and after the race. Here are some tips.

Preparation and Recovery Tips Irish Life Dublin Marathon
When planning to run a marathon there are things to think about before, during and after the race. Here are some tips.

Celebrating Women’s health
This year’s theme for International Women’s day is each for Equal. An equal world is an enabled world. This day is a time for women around the world to commemorate their struggles and celebrate their achievements.

Common physical problems from standing at work all day
As with any other posture or position, extended periods of standing can result in aches, pains and the body feeling tired. Standing is usually worse when you have to stand in the one spot or on a hard surface.

Common Physical Problems from Sitting at a Desk
Recently is has become a well-known idea that sitting for long periods at work can have a negative effect on our health and well-being. With many jobs in the work place based at a desk this is becoming more prevalent.

Marathon Training: How to prepare for your first marathon or half marathon
This is the second instalment in our four part series on half marathon and marathon training. The Rock’n’Roll half marathon and KBC Dublin marathon are growing closer and closer.