Muscle Contusion: Benefits of Physiotherapy Treatment
A muscle contusion results from a bruise of the muscle following a direct blow or repeated blows to a part of the body. This resulting in crushing of the muscle fibres underneath.

Long Distance Cycling Tips
Long distance cycling training is often difficult as you have to combine endurance training, speed training and also mentally prepare for the challenge of being on the bike for so long.

Subacromial bursitis – what is it and how can physiotherapy help
A bursa is a sac of fluid that prevents friction between tendons and bone. The most common injured bursa tends to be the subacromial bursa in the shoulder.

Physiotherapy Treatment following Shoulder Dislocation
Shoulder dislocation or subluxation normally occurs as a result of a sudden trauma. Dislocation can also occur from underlying should joint instability, due to previous dislocations.

Wrist Fracture: Post operation care tips
Following surgery, the RICE principles of injury management apply. That is, the joint is rested, ice is applied to control swelling, a compression garment may be applied and the limb is elevated to also control swelling.

Building Scapular Strength with Pilates Exercises
Pilates exercises not only strengthen the core muscles of the lower back, but also helps in building scapular strength.