Online Classes: Pilates & Stronger For Longer
Online Classes
We are pleased to announce that we have live online classes available now in the clinic.
These classes are led by Aileen and Olive, see the time table below. We have had a few trial runs and the format is working out very well. Those of you who have been with us for the past while will be familiar with the different classes. Ideally we will send a link for the same class each week but we can facilitate movement between classes if necessary.
If you are new to Pilates or Stronger For Longer and would like to join our class contact us and we will organise a short remote consultation to screen you before starting the classes.
Tuesday 0730 hrs: Intermediate
Thursday 1000 hrs: Intermediate
Thursday 1100hrs: Beginners
Thursday 1800 hrs: Intermediate
Saturday 0900 hrs: Intermediate
Saturday 1000hrs: Advanced
We will issue a time table for Stronger For Longer in the next week. If you have any queries don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Stay Safe.