Pilates exercises for lower back pain
Low back pain is often caused by structural imbalances in the body. Poor core strength, pelvic instability, muscle imbalances, poor posture and lack of body awareness are all factors which overload joints.
Avoiding Injury before the Marathon
Listen to your body and the warning signs it is giving. The two main injury risk factors during marathon training are increasing training load too quickly, and continuing to train with a previous injury
Subacromial bursitis – what is it and how can physiotherapy help
A bursa is a sac of fluid that prevents friction between tendons and bone. The most common injured bursa tends to be the subacromial bursa in the shoulder.
How Pilates Benefits Running
Pilates perfectly complements running, as it is low impact and can be extremely beneficial in improving running technique and preventing injury.
Is Pilates Safe During Pregnancy
When pregnant, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles are stretched and weakened. This is due to the strain they are put under as your baby gets bigger.
Physiotherapy Treatment following Shoulder Dislocation
Shoulder dislocation or subluxation normally occurs as a result of a sudden trauma. Dislocation can also occur from underlying should joint instability, due to previous dislocations.
Neck pain: symptoms, causes and treatments
Neck pain is a very common complaint, particularly amongst those who work in front of the computer all day. It can present in a number of different ways.
Pilates Healing your body: The benefits of Pilates
Pilates exercises are designed to give an individual the opportunity to develop optimal strength, flexibility and endurance using movements that aren’t stressful on the joints and won’t build bulk.