Wrist Fracture and Early Physiotherapy Intervention
Early physiotherapy treatment can be very beneficial in the recovery process for a wrist fracture injury. As the hand and wrist can often become stiff during recovery.
Tips for completing the Couch to 5km Program designed to get anyone running
The couch to 5km is a running program to get people from the couch to comfortably running 5km or 30 minutes continuously in 9 weeks.
Best tips and techniques for an effective interval training session
Research has shown that high intensity training increases fitness levels and burns more calories over a shorter period of time versus a long period of steady state cardio.
Why is Strength Training Important for Runners?
Strength training has become a more and more important component of running training. It is now seen as one of the biggest factors that will impact on your speed, endurance and overall performance.
Is it safe to run when pregnant?
There are many different views on whether it is safe to run when pregnant. During your first trimester, it is normally possible to continue with your normal exercise routine, but at a lower intensity.
OneLeg Physio is a global balance challenge that was set up by an Australian Physiotherapist, Glenn Ruscoe. If possible, you should try the single leg balance with your eyes close. You record your 3 best times.
What is Iliopsoas Strain?
An iliopsoas strain is most commonly caused by sudden movements such as sprinting, kicking and changing direction while running.
Run in the Dark: Information for Participants
The Run in the Dark event is a fun run which aims to raise awareness and funds. All levels and abilities are welcome. There are two courses: a 5km route and a 10km route.