How to Manage Osteoarthritis?

How to Manage Osteoarthritis?

For many individuals who suffer with osteoarthritis, learning how to manage the pain is vital for ensuring that they can still live a healthy and fulfilling life without it affecting their daily activities.

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10 Mental Strategies to make you a Stronger Runner

10 Mental Strategies to make you a Stronger Runner

As marathon runners, we are often guilty of churning out miles but ignoring what is going on inside our head. If we are not careful, our head can become filled with negativity and doubts. This can adversely impact a runner’s confidence and performance.

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Avoiding Injury before the Marathon

Avoiding Injury before the Marathon

Listen to your body and the warning signs it is giving. The two main injury risk factors during marathon training are increasing training load too quickly, and continuing to train with a previous injury

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Physiotherapy For Elderly Patients; How It Works

Physiotherapy For Elderly Patients; How It Works

Natural ageing comes with a lot of physical changes to the body. As well as, changes to the efficiency of the bodies internal systems. We offer a wide range of treatments to combat these negative effects.

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Subacromial bursitis – what is it and how can physiotherapy help

Subacromial bursitis – what is it and how can physiotherapy help

A bursa is a sac of fluid that prevents friction between tendons and bone. The most common injured bursa tends to be the subacromial bursa in the shoulder.

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How Pilates Benefits Running

How Pilates Benefits Running

Pilates perfectly complements running, as it is low impact and can be extremely beneficial in improving running technique and preventing injury.

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