Tips on Footcare before the Marathon
Our feet absorb the greatest amount of force in our body when running. When it comes to preparing for the marathon, most of us tend to forget about our feet.
Diastasis Recti - what is it and how can it be managed after childbirth?
The rectus abdominis muscle is a pair of long flat muscles that run vertically along the length of the stomach. The Linea alba connects the two sides of the rectus abdominis.
Benefits of Pilates for Cyclists
Pilates is an excellent way for cyclists to improve core strength which helps support the lower back. Low back pain is often a common complaint from cyclists, particularly after a long cycle.
Ergonomics and its Importance
Research has shown that the most common work-related injury is lower back pain. By reducing ergonomic risk factors, you are reducing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries such as lower back pain.
Long Distance Cycling Tips
Long distance cycling training is often difficult as you have to combine endurance training, speed training and also mentally prepare for the challenge of being on the bike for so long.
Tough Mudder Tips
Tough Mudder is a 21km obstacle course which will test your physical and mental strength and stamina. The course was designed by the British Armed Forces and with up to 35 obstacles.
Phoenix Park Duathlon: Tips to get you ready
The Phoenix Park Duathlon Series, sponsored by Mason Hayes & Curran, is returning to Dublin’s Phoenix Park. The first race took place on April 22nd with a further 2 races due to take place on June 7th and July 5th.
What is Gilmore's Groin?
Gilmore’s groin, also known as a sports hernia, is a common injury that occurs among athletes especially those who participate in sports involving sudden and twisting movements, and kicking e.g. soccer, gaelic football and rugby.