OneLeg Physio is a global balance challenge that was set up by an Australian Physiotherapist, Glenn Ruscoe. If possible, you should try the single leg balance with your eyes close. You record your 3 best times.

How to Manage Osteoarthritis?
For many individuals who suffer with osteoarthritis, learning how to manage the pain is vital for ensuring that they can still live a healthy and fulfilling life without it affecting their daily activities.

Avoiding Injury before the Marathon
Listen to your body and the warning signs it is giving. The two main injury risk factors during marathon training are increasing training load too quickly, and continuing to train with a previous injury

Physiotherapy For Elderly Patients; How It Works
Natural ageing comes with a lot of physical changes to the body. As well as, changes to the efficiency of the bodies internal systems. We offer a wide range of treatments to combat these negative effects.

Can Orthotics help Lower Back Pain?
Orthotics are devices worn in shoes or runners and are designed to correct foot and ankle alignment. They can assist in changing pressure on certain parts of the foot, therefore relieving symptoms.

Pilates Healing your body: The benefits of Pilates
Pilates exercises are designed to give an individual the opportunity to develop optimal strength, flexibility and endurance using movements that aren’t stressful on the joints and won’t build bulk.

How Physiotherapy can help treat Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a progressive disease causing weakening of the bones. If not identified and left untreated, it will get worse. Osteoporosis is more common in older females.

Treating groin pain: The benefits of physiotherapy
Groin pain occurs mostly after injury to one of the adductor muscles. The groin musculature is complicated with highly stressed anchor points and involvement of the pelvis and lumbrosacral spine.