Common Physical Problems from Sitting at a Desk
Recently is has become a well-known idea that sitting for long periods at work can have a negative effect on our health and well-being. With many jobs in the work place based at a desk this is becoming more prevalent.
Getting back to regular exercise after retirement for men
Physical activity does not have to be strenuous. The level best suited for retired man is described as ‘moderate intensity’, practiced for at least 30 minutes on five or more days of every week.
Role of physiotherapy in geriatrics
A physiotherapist has a key role in enabling older people to maximise their bodies potential to enhance mobility and independence. The aim of geriatric physiotherapy is to improve a patient’s quality of life and prolong independence.
How do I know if I sprained my ankle?
Ankle sprains ordinarily occur during exercise or sports requiring a rapid change of direction, jumping and landing. However, an ankle sprain can also occur from something as simple as missing a step or rolling your ankle on an uneven surface.
Dry needling
Dry needling is a therapeutic technique using filament needles to release trigger points, which are taut bands in muscles. Dry needling is sometimes referred to as Western Acupuncture.
How to Avoid Common Injuries During a Marathon
Here are some of the common injuries and complaints that we often see in the clinic. Especially, leading up to the marathon; Calf muscle strain or overuse, Gluteal tendinopathy, Lower back pain, Achilles tendon pain & Shin splints.
Summer Exercise Ideas
Why not get out and enjoy exercising in the long summer evenings or brighter mornings. Exercising outdoors has additional health benefits, and no matter the weather it is great to get outside and move your body.
Best Practises for Working Out in the Summer Heat
Now that the weather is getting warmer and the sun is shining, it is nice to go outside and exercise. Here are some top tips for working out in the summer heat. Tips for Working out in the Summer Heat.