When you are pregnant, is exercise okay?
It is good idea to keep active during your pregnancy. There are many physical and psychological health benefits to remaining active while you are pregnant.
Diastasis Recti - what is it and how can it be managed after childbirth?
The rectus abdominis muscle is a pair of long flat muscles that run vertically along the length of the stomach. The Linea alba connects the two sides of the rectus abdominis.
The Importance of Pelvic Floor Exercises During and Post Pregnancy
Throughout the duration of pregnancy there is increased pressure and load on the muscles of your pelvic floor.
Is it safe to run when pregnant?
There are many different views on whether it is safe to run when pregnant. During your first trimester, it is normally possible to continue with your normal exercise routine, but at a lower intensity.
Is Pilates Safe During Pregnancy
When pregnant, pelvic floor and abdominal muscles are stretched and weakened. This is due to the strain they are put under as your baby gets bigger.