2020 - It’s time to finally address your Back Pain
It’s the beginning of a New Year and new decade, perhaps a great time to finally improve your back pain. Back pain is one of the most common complaints we see here in the Clinic.

Common Physical Problems from Sitting at a Desk
Recently is has become a well-known idea that sitting for long periods at work can have a negative effect on our health and well-being. With many jobs in the work place based at a desk this is becoming more prevalent.

Preparing for Pregnancy Part 4: Common Discomforts During Pregnancy
This is the fourth and final instalment to the four part series in preparing for pregnancy. We have already provided you with information on a healthy diet and lifestyle, strengthening your pelvic floor, staying active before and during your pregnancy.

The Importance of Core Strength and Stability
The core are one of the most active muscle groups in the body. Whether you are walking, running, playing tennis, or even the simplest of daily activities such as putting the groceries away, you are engaging your core muscles.

How to Reduce Back Pain at Work
The two main causes of back pain at work stem from inactivity and force. Having a relatively inactive desk job, particularly if you have poor posture.

Benefits of Pilates for Cyclists
Pilates is an excellent way for cyclists to improve core strength which helps support the lower back. Low back pain is often a common complaint from cyclists, particularly after a long cycle.

Hamstring Injuries
Hamstring injuries are most common in sports that require rapid acceleration/deceleration, change of direction, jumping and kicking.

Ergonomics and its Importance
Research has shown that the most common work-related injury is lower back pain. By reducing ergonomic risk factors, you are reducing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries such as lower back pain.