Having Back Pain at Night? Follow Our Suggested Tips

There is nothing worse than tossing and turning at night. Especially, when you are in need of a good night's sleep. Being unable to sleep properly due to back pain can lead to many sleepless nights. This ultimately has a negative reaction on the body's ability to heal as it needs rest and sleep to do this.

Many people, whether they experience back pain during the day or not, can find that once they are lying down their back pain is more severe and leads to greater discomfort. The reason for back pain at night isn't always clear. However, it can sometimes be attributed to:

  • Mechanical issues with the spine and bad posture

  • Injuries to the back such as sprains or fractures

  • Musculoskeletal conditions such as scoliosis, curvature of the spine or spinal stenosis.

The most common area that individuals identify as causing discomfort during the night is in the lower back. Most will find that one side of their back will always be more painful than the other. It is not uncommon to also experience pins and needles in one or both legs.

Suggested Tips for Managing Back Pain at Night

If you are experiencing back pain at night which is impacting your sleep, try out tips listed below:

  • Place a pillow between your legs - Doing this will help to take away any tension being placed on the lower back and the hips. This can especially be helpful for women experiencing back pain during their pregnancy.

  • Try a different mattress - Sometimes your back pain may be due to the mattress that you use. If you have back pain at night, invest in a firm mattress that will support your back in the areas that need it.

  • Keep your neck neutral - When sleeping you should keep your neck in a neutral position to avoid causing more damage to your back. Make sure that your pillow is situated beneath your head and shoulders.

  • Sleep in a position that works best for you - Find a sleeping position that works best for the area in which you are experiencing back pain. If you have lower back pain it is generally advised that you avoid lying on your stomach as this can compress the affected area.

Back pain at night that continues should be assessed by a physiotherapist. Treatments such as dry needling, soft tissue massage and a tailored exercise programme can help to relieve back pain. Low impact activities such as Pilates can also be very effective.

Here at Ballsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic, our chartered physiotherapists are experts in treating back related injuries. If you would like to book an appointment, please contact us here.


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