

Incontinence is classified as an unwanted/involuntary leakage of urine no matter how small the amount. Urinary incontinence as part of women’s health affects 1- 3 women in all stages of life; from those who have never been pregnant, through the child-bearing years and into menopause.

Stress Incontinence

Leakage of urine with activities such as laughing, coughing, sneezing, fast walking, running or jumping. Treatment includes strengthening the pelvic floor muscles using exercise, biofeedback and muscle stimulation for very weak muscles.

Overactive Bladder 

Can’t get there on time to prevent a leak? It may be associated with increased urinary frequency and leaking large amounts of urine. Treatment includes assessing the ability of the pelvic floor muscle to contract and relax correctly and bladder training.

Please note: Women’s health initial assessment requires a 1-hour appointment.

Women’s Health Clinic

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