

Bowel Incontinence 

This can include staining or incontinence of faeces or wind and can be very distressing. Weakness of the pelvic floor is the main cause although damage to the sphincter during surgery or childbirth can be present. Chronic constipation can also be a contributory factor. Poor defecation mechanics can play a part as the bowel may not be emptying completely. Treatment of the pelvic floor muscle is a very important part of therapy and dietary issues often need to be addressed. Advice is also given on correct bowel habits.


There are many reasons for constipation but poor bowel movements can be a major cause in chronic constipation. If there is poor muscle co-ordination between the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, this can cause a difficulty in emptying the bowels. Diet and hydration are also very important. Treatment consists of biofeedback therapy to train the muscles to work properly.

Please note: Women’s health initial assessment requires a 1-hour appointment.

Women’s Health Clinic

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