What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a condition where bones decrease in bone density and become weaker and may break more easily. Fractures can happen anywhere but are more likely to happen at wrist, hips and the spine. Osteoporosis itself is not painful and is often known as a silent condition. However, fractures can cause severe pain in some cases.
There are a wide range of causes and risk factors which make osteoporosis more likely.
Risk Factors:
Low body weight
Drinking too much alcohol
Poor balance putting you at risk of slips and falls
Being a woman
History of broken bones
Medications which may make you more at risk
Long term steroid use
Anti- epileptic drugs
Breast Cancer drugs (aromatase inhibitors)
Prostate Cancer treatments
Other medications are thought to have an affect however need more research such as PPI’s, SSRI’s, Trycyclic antidepressants.
Conditions increasing risk:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Early Menopause
Hysterectomy before 45
Excessive exercise
Chron’s, Colitis or Coeliac
Treatments for Osteoporosis
Medications work to strengthen your bones and reduce the risk of breaking a bone.
Slow down the cell break down
Stimulate the cells to build new bone.
Examples Bisphosphonates (tablet), Prolea Injections
Exercise and Physical activity
Exercise should be the focus of your treatment for osteoporosis or osteopenia. It is safe to do however may need some modifications. Doing strength and resistance training is the most important thing to do, improving balance to decrease your risk of falls, it decreases pain and improves mood.
Walking alone is not enough for osteoporosis as it does not affect your spine it only increases bone density in your hip joints and lower limb. A general weights programme is the most effective way to target all areas of the body and needs to be done at least twice a week.
You can do a osteoporosis assessment here at Ballsbridge physio with Lesley who specialises in Osteoporosis and she will give you an at home strengthening plan to work on or you can join our Osteoporosis friendly classes here also.
Osteoporosis Treatment
It is preventable and treatable in the majority of people and the earlier the intervention the better.