Treatment for Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
What is Repetitive Strain Injury?
RSI is a term which is associated with overuse. People may also refer to Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS) in relation to overuse injuries. There are a range of RSI injuries including tennis and golfer’s elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome. RSI can be very common in the forearm and can be quite painful.
What Causes RSI?
As the name suggests Repetitive Strain Injury results from repeated use of the same movement. There can be other factors which can exacerbate RSI and at Ballsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic we see clients with RSI resulting from different causes. They include:
Working in cold or uncomfortable conditions
Repeated use of arms for long periods of time
Factors associated with long periods in front of computer screens and keyboard use
Working at a pace which is too fast
Using equipment which is not suitable or not using equipment correctly
Sport/exercise where the same movement is done repeatedly
Using the same movement repeatedly can cause damage to muscles, nerves or tendons. RSI can also cause inflammation and chronic pain. The severity of RSI can depend on such factors as the force used to perform the repetition, the number of repetitions and the range or size of the movement. The length of time without rest in between repetitive movement can also affect RSI.
What are the Symptoms of RSI?
Your physiotherapist can work with you to help treat symptoms of RSI which can include fatigue, numbness, cold hands and weakness. Sufferers may have problems carrying out normal everyday functions such as opening jars, turning door handles or driving. There may also be soreness and an uncomfortable tingling in the arms or fingers.
How Physiotherapy Can Help
One of the important things to remember when RSI symptoms appear is to get them treated before they worsen. Early intervention from your physio can really help in addressing the problem. Treatment may include:
Soft tissue massage
Braces or supports
Use of heat packs
Joint mobilisation techniques
Assessment, advice or training to avoid further injury
Strengthening exercises
Stretching exercises
Whatever the causes of Repetitive Strain Injury, it is important to treat the symptoms seriously before they get worse. Physiotherapy can be of real benefit to sufferers of RSI. Working with the experts in Ballsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic you can gain tools to avoid further injury and also treat pain or discomfort associated with RSI. You can contact us to get you on the road to recovery!
Physiotherapy after an operation has been shown to provide benefits in decreasing pain, strengthening muscles and improving how you function. Some of the common operations we see are Hip and Knee replacements, Knee Arthroscopy, Tendon and Cuff Repairs, Shoulder Stabilisation and Wrist Fractures.