VHI Mini Marathon - Blog Series 3
This month in anticipation for the VHI Mini Marathon, we will be doing a special blog series covering important topics to consider during your training in the weeks up to the race. Stay tuned for weekly updates and do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. At Ballsbridge Physiotherapy we are happy to help you each step of the way!
Miss the 1st blog? - VHI Mini Marathon - Importance of Warming Up/Cooling Down
Miss the 2nd blog? VHI Mini Marathon - Recovery days
Race day is not the day to try out your new, shiny runners. Make sure to wear your race day shoes during training. The VHI mini marathon is run on tarmac surfaces so consider shoes with good shock absorbency. Make sure you have good running socks which you have already worn a few times. Blisters are more often due to poor fitting socks rather than running shoes.
Cross Training
Running is a very demanding activity on your body even though it only requires a pair of running shoes. It is a full body activity working your core, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and more! Longer distances and races put increased demands on your body and sometimes your body needs targeted strengthening outside of running to meet these demands. Cross training also improves your running form, prevents injury, and decreases pain in your hips or knees. You can add in some extra pilates or strength training to your weekly plan, or add in daily targeted exercises like glute bridges, single leg squats, etc. If you need help with your cross training program for the VHI Mini Marathon do not hesitate to reach out!
Check out our Dublin Marathon Blog Series
Running Clinic
If you are interested in learning more about running gait and want to minimise the risk of running associated injury, why not book an assessment with one of our experienced Physiotherapists?
Sports Clinic
Our sports clinic is lead by Elizabeth Bovich and David Richards. Together they have an extensive sports background with high level athletes in Ireland and the USA.