Do I need Physiotherapy after my Hip or Knee Replacement?
You may be reading this blog as you recently had a hip or knee replacement, or you may be going for a hip or knee replacement soon. A common question we get, or people ask their consultant, is whether they really need physiotherapy after surgery. For us, (we may be biassed) but the answer is YES!
Surgery is a big thing for your body to recover from. You can’t do some of your normal activities or move your knee and hip in the same way, and the muscles that support your knee and hip become weaker.
You likely received or will receive some general exercises from the physiotherapist in the hospital. It is important to progress them to be more challenging and functional to help you get back to your normal activities. Seeing a physiotherapist after your discharge will help you build strength, prevent falls, regain motion in the knee, improve your balance, build your confidence, feel reassured, and help inform you of what is okay and what isn’t okay to do.
Recovery also takes time. Just because the surgery is completed doesn’t mean you are ready to go. It can take 3 months after surgery to get back to activity, and 6-12 months to get fully back to normal. Our physiotherapists will provide a comprehensive assessment and individualized plan set to your problems and goals. We make them specific to you, and help you get back to the activities you want to get back to.
Not Electing Physio?
We have worked with patients who have initially elected not to pursue physiotherapy after they were discharged from the hospital. Some of these patients presented later with limps, and significant muscle weakness on the operated side. The body looks for the easier way to complete an activity even if it is harmful for your body. When muscles are weak, incorrect muscles will be used and strengthened and create harmful movement patterns during your cycling, walking, and golf games. This will make your activities harder and hurt your performance.
Here at Ballsbridge physiotherapy, we can guide through every step of your joint replacement. We can help with the surgery pre-rehabilitation to strengthen your muscles for better surgical outcomes, and help you know what to expect after surgery. We can also help after surgery to get you back to your normal activities safely and appropriately. Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns about physiotherapy after joint replacement. Call, email, or book online today.
Physiotherapy after an operation has been shown to provide benefits in decreasing pain, strengthening muscles and improving how you function. Some of the common operations we see are Hip and Knee replacements, Knee Arthroscopy, Tendon and Cuff Repairs, Shoulder Stabilisation and Wrist Fractures.