The Achilles tendon is located behind and above the heel. It joins the heel bone to the calf muscles. Therefore allowing you to bend your foot downwards away from the ankle. In other words, an important part of your leg is the achilles tendon. This article will be about the symptoms and management of a ruptured achilles tendon.

You can completely or partially tear your achilles tendon. Your calf muscle is not attached to your heel bone when you suffer a complete rupture. A ruptured Achilles tendon can occur if the force and stress placed on the tendon. This stress is too great for the Achilles to tolerate. Activities such as football, running, basketball, diving and tennis may cause a ruptured Achilles tendon due to the pushing off movement needed in a lot of these sports.

Symptoms of a ruptured Achilles tendon

If a ruptured Achilles tendon occurs, the patient may hear an audible 'popping' or snapping noise. You will feel intense pain in the area. However, the majority of people who experience this form of injury often have difficulty walking after the injury occurs.

Patients develop a flat-footed walk or limp due to the fact that they are unable to push off the ground properly. Patients will often experience swelling around the ankle and heel bone. In cases where a complete rupture has occurred, patients may often feel a gap at the back of their heel bone.


In the case of complete ruptures of the Achilles tendon, surgery is necessary. The recovery period can take up to 16 weeks depending on the patient's progress.

Physiotherapy is very important in the rehabilitation of an Achilles tendon injury. Physiotherapy treatment techniques such as soft tissue massage, dry needling, joint mobilisation and passive stretching helps restore tendon flexibility post surgery. Biomechanical assessment and correction of movement patterns, along with a tailored exercise program is also vital in improving calf and Achilles strength post injury.

In the initial weeks after surgery, physiotherapy treatment will involve passive exercises and gentle massaging. As the recovery period progresses, your physiotherapist will focus on improving the flexibility of the Achilles tendon. Before using strengthening exercises to make sure you are fully confident on your feet again.

If you have experienced a recent Achilles tendon rupture, our expert physios here at Ballsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic are trained in biomechanical assessment and treating a range of lower limb injuries. If you would like to book an appointment, contact us here.


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