Pilates is a form of exercise that has been praised worldwide for many, many years. In previous blogs, the origins of and the different injuries Pilates is used to treat have been discussed but it is also important to highlight the benefits of Pilates and what it can provide to individuals.

Pilates: The Benefits

Pilates exercises are designed to give an individual the opportunity to develop optimal strength, flexibility and endurance using movements that aren't stressful on the joints and won't build bulk. Above all, the benefits offered by Pilates go far beyond just core strength and flexibility. People who take classes on a regular basis claim that they experience increased energy levels. Also, an increased awareness of their body as a whole and a boost in both self-confidence and mood.

Benefits of Pilates include

Pilates helps Developing a strong core

Pilates exercises focus on strengthening the core abdominal muscles. For instance, these muscles work to stabilise the spine, pelvis and shoulders. In addition, this in turn provides a solid foundation for the movement of arms and legs.

Provides you with body awareness

Pilates teaches how to become aware of the different sets of muscles in the body. Also, how to identify the correct muscles to use for exercises. In addition, through practicing it, individuals also learn how to breath effectively which will in turn improve bodily function. You increase the quality and quantity of air entry into your lungs to improve your bodily function.

Improves posture

It helps to reverse the adverse effects that years of bad habits can have on an individuals posture. For example, sitting at a desk all day can cause your upper back to round and your shoulders to hunch. Similarly, these exercises recondition your muscle symmetry and balance.

Improves bone density

Resistance exercises in it involve movements, which cause the muscles to pull on the bones in order to create a tension. This tension causes the bone to fortify which helps to improve bone density. These exercises are greatly recommended for individuals who may suffer from arthritis or osteoporosis.

Relieves back pain

By working on your core muscles and improving your posture this will help to decrease your back pain. Pilates is very beneficial in treating lower back pain and with regular practice many individuals experience increased strength, flexibility, mobility and balance in the back region.

Increases flexibility

Pilates exercises help to elongate, stretch and strengthen muscles which improves muscle elasticity and mobility.

Rehabilitation and injury prevention

Pilates is very beneficial as a form of rehabilitation for sports injuries. Due to the low-impact and partial weight bearing nature of the exercises, rehabilitation for patients focuses on strengthening their core, improving joint control and movement patterns, in a gradual and stress free method.

Here at Ballsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic, we have a number of beginner, intermediate and advanced Pilates classes. We offer free assessments to ensure you are suitable to attend classes and can tailor this exercise program for specific needs and injuries. If you would like more information on our Pilates classes or would like to book an appointment, you can contact us here.


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