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Swimming is one of the most popular low-impact activities which is common among all ages. It is an effective way to keep in shape, as it exercise all muscle groups in the body. This low-impact exercise has many health benefits and it is often easier for individuals with joint or musculoskeletal pain to participate in. The water’s buoyancy supports the body’s weight, allowing ease of movement and helping reduce pain.

Whether you are a competitive swimmer or enjoy it as a leisure activity, the repetitive nature of the sport can leave you prone to overuse injuries. The most common affected areas reported are the shoulder, back, neck or knee. The shoulder is typically the joint that is most commonly a source of complaint for a keen swimmer. Apart from overuse injuries, an incorrect technique can also predispose a swimmer to a potential injury.

Swimming Transition Tips

Understandably it can be frustrating to have an injury and often it can be a challenge to return to full fitness having been out of the pool for a while. Here are some tips to make this transition as smooth as possible and get you back to full fitness.

  1. Firstly, it is paramount that you get your injury addressed and complete your rehabilitation. With your physiotherapist, you will complete a thorough and gradual rehabilitation programme that focusses on your injury and prevention of this injury in the future.

  2. If your injury is due to overuse or poor technique, addressing this problem is very important. If overuse is the issue, create a training schedule that incorporates recovery and cross training which may help to prevent excessive loading. Correcting technical problems can be achieved with help from your coach and physiotherapist.

  3. Return to swim training in a progressive manner with regards distance and intensity. Build performance in small increments to allow the body to adapt.

  4. To help with motivation setting goals can be a great tool. Create realistic and measurable short and long term goals. This will help keep you focused and allow you to track your progression.

If you are experiencing an injury that is preventing you from being in the pool contact our clinic today. We have trained physiotherapist ready to help with your injury and return to swimming as soon as possible. We also have physio-led Pilates classes that may be a great addition to your training schedule.


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