The Time Has Come Again: The VHI Women's Mini Marathon is Here

The VHI Women's Mini Marathon has become cemented as an annual highlight in the lives of many women across Ireland. With outstanding support and attendance being shown for this event year and year again, 2017 is set to be no different. The VHI set out to organise a world-class event. This would enable women to fund raise for many worthy charities. This is a safe and supportive environment which, they have well and truly achieved.

The mini marathon takes place this coming June bank holiday weekend on Monday, June 5th at 2:00pm. Beginning at Fitzwilliam Street Upper, thousands of women will participate by running, jogging or walking the 10km course and finish up at Baggot Street Upper.

Keeping yourself safe during the VHI Women's Mini Marathon

By now, you will have completed weeks of training. You are ready to collect your race numbers for the day of the event. Regardless of whether this is your first or 20th mini marathon, it is always important that you stay safe on the day and recognise the bodily signs that you need to rest.

Here are our top tips to ensure that you enjoy the day and don't incur any injuries:

Eat a simple yet nutritious breakfast 

Fuelling your body correctly on the morning of the mini marathon can have a huge impact. Aim to keep your race day breakfast simple. Ensure that your breakfast includes a good source of protein such as eggs and carbohydrates in order to boost your energy levels.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate

Keeping yourself hydrated in the days coming up to the event is vital. Make sure to sip on water regularly especially on the morning of the race and rehydrate as soon as you finish. Make sure that you are fully hydrated before the event begins.

Be comfortable 

There is nothing worse than feeling uncomfortable in the clothes that you wear for a run. Avoid wearing new clothing of a make that you have not previously tried. Stick to running clothing and footwear that you have worn before.

Don't push your body too far 

The mini marathon is split into categories based on your fitness level. Make sure that you know exactly which category you will be partaking in and don't push yourself beyond your fitness capabilities. Doing so may cause an injury, which may not become apparent until that evening or the next day. Remember this is a fun event and not a competition!

Give your body what it needs pre and post run -

Warming up your muscles by going for a brisk walk or light job before the 2pm kick off will have numerous benefits for your performance. After you have completed the 10km, eat a snack within 30 minutes to fuel your body and make sure make that you avail of a much needed rest.

The Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapist (ISCP) will be on hand during the day to help your warm up, cool down and provide complimentary massages to ease your muscles. If you need any support in the days leading up to or following the VHI Women's Mini Marathon, contact us here at Ballsbridge Physiotherapy Clinic.


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